MBA 4rth A - 2010-2012 is now MEMORIES !

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Thank you all for your support , now we are HISTORY ! and I hope Students take most advantage of this technology and i expect that new students will contribute something to their class and university , Now I dont know if we will be able to manage or handle this website for long ! :( but still your views and downloads will make this website stay alive for ever !!

Regards ,

MBA 3rd Semester Regular + HR

MBA 3rd Semester - March 21st -2011 @ BUITEMS 
3rd Semester is of SPECIALIZATION    which I have chosen is  HR ! Human resource !  so NOTES/INFO will be posted related to HRM

Note : I will try to upload all available data!

Subjects :

1. Training & Development 
Subject Teacher : Arbab NaseebUllah Kasi ,
Pls Follow and download Lectures/notes/Assignment from Teachers Official Own Website

2. Macro Economics 

Slides / Notes  Michael Perkins 9th Edition : Click me to DOWNLOAD
.RAR zipped , 43 mb file size

3. Personal Policy

4. HRM 

Book : Human Resource Management  10th Edition by Mondy , Prientie Hall. 

Book 2 : Fundamentals of Human Resource Managemnt 10th Edition , Decenzo , David & Robin 

5. Business Research Method


6. Financial Management


MBA - 1st n 2nd n 3rd Semesters
Complete Information regarding Subjects / Credit hours and MBA 2 year / 3 year confusion , Read out this link.